Feedback for Natalia

Postcard 1:

- thin type face make part of the text hard to read.

- title on the desktop one also disappears a little bit. Maybe consider changing font color.

- shoukd the bear move down on the phone one so his head is nit to close to the text?

- is the space between the title and the main text to large?

Postcard 2:

- nice fluffy dog

- text can be read here for both sizes

- play around with how to dog is getting cropped

Postcard 3:

- text is not legible

- change font color

- maybe play with adding a colored box that has low opacity

- image cropping is good

- spacing in main text above and below me sticks out a bunch (decrease)

- Side Comment: play around with image placement. Most of them are in the same position. If that's what you are going for, it would work for your postcards just make the bear desktop layout match the the others.